How to get the best out of Environ Skin Care
How to get the most out of your prescribed Environ Skin Care routine | Environ Skin Care

How to get the most out of your prescribed Environ Skin Care routine

Our Beautiful Science made simple

How to get the most out of your prescribed Environ Skin Care routine | Environ Skin Care

No one skin is the same. Genetics, lifestyle choices, the elements that skin is exposed to all impact on skin’s overall health and wellbeing. So, it should make sense that everyone should have a personalised skincare routine because that will help you to give your skin what it needs to look healthy and beautiful and it will also help you to target any specific skin concerns you may have.

The best place to start, is to have a consultation with a trained Environ Skin Care Professional. They are skin experts, and they have extensive Environ product knowledge which means that you will get the most out of your prescribed Environ skincare routine.

For you to #LiveBeautifully and reveal  #RebornBeautiful skin is easier than you think when you understand how and why your Environ Skin Care routine is prescribed…

Environ Skin Care Ranges have been divided into 3 different segments, each with their own specific reason for being. 

1. Start & Step-Up with the Essential Skin Care Segment:

Start your skincare routine with a good skin-prep routine (pre-cleansers, cleansers, toners) and by stepping up you step-up your essential skincare with Environ’s Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM® range of moisturisers. For you to bring your skin back to being beautifully healthy-looking and functioning optimally, you have to replenish all of the essential nutrients it needs every day.

The moisturisers in the Youth EssentiA® and Skin EssentiA® ranges from Environ’s Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM®. Always start on the lowest level, and after using 2/3 containers at that level, you should then step up to the next level, until you eventually reach the highest level.

Products from our Sun Care+ and Body EssentiA® range can also be added to your prescribed essential skincare routine.

2.  Add-On with the Specialist Skin Care Segment

Once you have what your skin needs to be better and look healthier, you can add-on products from the Specialist Skin Care Segment to help you target the specific skin concerns (like ageing, dehydration, sensitivity, blemishes, pigmentation) that are worrying you…

Skin Benefits you are looking for

Consider adding one of these Environ Skin Care products

Youthful Skin

Focus Care Youth+® Range:

Avance Cream

Tri BioBotanical Revival Masque

Concentrated Retinol Serum

Moisturised Skin

Focus Care Moisture+® Range:

Vita-Antioxidant Hydrating Oil Capsules

Vita-Complex Super Moisturiser+

Comforted Skin

Focus Care Comfort+® Range:

Vita-Enriched Antioxidant Gel

Vita-Enriched Colostrum Gel

Clear Skin

Focus Care Clarity+® Range:


Sebu-Spot Gel


Sebu-Lac Lotion

Sebu-ACE Oil

Sebu-Clear Masque

Radiant Skin

Focus Care Radiance+® Range:

Multi-Bioactive Mela-Prep Lotion

Intense C-Boost Mela-Even Cream

3. Finish-Off with the Perfecting Skin Care Segment

This range provides specialised products to help enhance and perfect your skin and finish off your skin care routine. The Even More® range of concealers and foundations helps cover any blemishes or uneven skin tone and illuminates the skin for that final touch of flawless radiance.

*Not available in all countries

The beauty of Environ Skin Care routines is that they’re prescribed based on your specific skin needs and concerns. You can’t get more personal than that. Our routines are also simpler than you think. Read more here.




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