Why you should avoid high SPF’s
Why You Should Avoid High Spfs

Why you should avoid high SPFs

image of women holding her neck and posing

The importance of daily sun protection should not be underestimated. The term SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is commonly used, but not well understood. The sun radiates UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays represent only 5% of the ultraviolet rays we encounter – these are the burning rays which can lead to skin cancer. UVA rays represent about 95% of the ultraviolet rays we encounter. These are the ageing rays and can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, causing significant damage by creating free radicals. The fact is, high SPFs provide a false sense of security.

Here are some important facts about SPF:

  1. A SPF generally refers to the amount of UVB protection it provides. SPFs offer very little protection against UVA rays.
  2. Depending on your skin photo-type, skin will burn more or less quickly. A SPF indicates how much longer it will take to burn with sun protection e.g. the skin should take 30 times longer for it to burn with an SPF30, than without. The higher the SPF, the higher the concentration of chemical sunscreen ingredients, in fact, high levels of chemicals induce higher risk of free radical damage.
  3. It’s important to know that sunscreen is exposed to sunlight and becomes inactive over time, which is why irrespective of the SPF rating, all sunscreens should be applied every 90 - 120 minutes. Higher SPFs do not mean one can spend a longer time exposed to UV without protection.

Dr. Des qoute about high spf

The table below shows the level of protection that SPF 2 to 50 provides against the sun’s harmful UVB rays (source: Environ research).

SPF % UVB absorbed













Did you know?

  • It is scientifically proven that higher SPF sunscreens provide minimal added protection.
  • Higher SPF sunscreens contains higher concentrations of chemical sunscreen ingredients.
  • It is scientifically shown that chemical (organic) sunscreen ingredients can be absorbed into the skin, and when struck by UV radiation, these can become quite aggressive free radicals, increasing the risk of damage.
  • No sunscreen effectively protects the skin from UVA radiation.

What SPF is safe and effective?

Environ’s unique philosophy and proven approach to sun care supports a low SPF combined with antioxidants. It’s easy to remember: LESS. MORE. MORE OFTEN.

  • Less chemicals - low SPFs between 15 and 20 contain less chemicals and offer 93% protection against harmful UVB rays.
  • More complete protection - Environ’s sun care formulations contain additional antioxidants to help counteract the effects of free radicals triggered from exposure to UVA and UVB radiation.
  • Applied more often - the key is to reapply the sunscreen frequently, every 90 - 120 minutes for safe, effective protection against UV radiation.

“Protecting the skin, especially from the sun, should start from as early as six months old with sensible sunscreen application. Given that our skin is our biggest breathing organ, we need to ensure that whatever we put on it, will ensure its long-term health. Fewer chemicals equals healthier, happier skin, and this means a lower SPF,” says Dr Des Fernandes, Environ Founder and Scientific Director.

Find out more about Environ’s newest Sun Care Innovation: New RAD SHIELD® Mineral Sunscreen.

Find out more about Environ’s Even More Sun Care+ Range.




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