Launch of Environ’s new Skin EssentiA® Range
Skin EssentiA Press Release - Environ Skin Care


Bring your skin back to beautiful with Environ’s Skin EssentiA® Range

Environ Skin Care | Skin EssentiA - New Launch

Bring your skin back to beautiful with Environ’s Skin EssentiA® Range

Following the global discontinuation of AVST Range, the Skin EssentiA® Range forms part of Environ’s industry leading Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM™.

Susan O’Kee¬ffe, Environ Global Brand Team Executive, explained: “In developing the Skin EssentiA® range, our approach was to look at the root cause of unhealthy skin: a lack of vitamin A. What the Skin EssentiA® Range does, is help restore the vitamin A deficiency that every person su¬ffers from. We are now able to assist in the rehabilitation and regeneration of unhealthy skin, by restoring what skin has lost i.e. its natural levels of vitamin A.”

Kirstin Kruger, Environ’s Global Brand Marketing Manager, had this to say: “We call it bringing skin back to beautiful. Skin that’s nourished with vitamin A is skin that is essentially normalised, in other words, brought back to its most healthy state.” The Skin EssentiA® Range also encompasses Environ’s industry-leading Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM™, a system designed by Environ to help skin become gradually more comfortable with increased levels of vitamin A and other ingredients that keep skin looking at its healthiest and most radiant. Why the name Skin EssentiA®? Kirstin explains, “Skin – because this is our key focus area, and EssentiA® – because the vitamins, antioxidants and peptides in the range are essential in bringing skin back to beautiful.”

The range encompasses “Start-Up” products which include an Eye Make-Up Remover, Pre-Cleansing Lotion, Clay Masque, Cleansing Lotion, Cleansing Gel, Moisturising Toner and Eye Gel. The “Step-Up” part of the range includes 5 Moisturisers that gradually introduce the skin to increasing levels of vitamin A until optimal levels are attained that help restore skin to its natural beauty.

Ask your Skin Care Professional about how you can #RevealBeautiful with Environ’s Skin EssentiA® Range.




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