Take conquering confidence-crushing breakouts to the next level
Woman receiving facial with a white mask and brush

Take conquering confidence-crushing breakouts to the next level

Beautiful skin is a timeless gift - environ skincare

Acne is the world’s 8th most prevalent disease and whilst it may manifest on the surface of the skin, the root causes actually lie deeper.

Oily skin with acne breakouts is actually a complex skin condition that may be short lived or persistent and whilst most people think that acne only affects adolescents the truth is that 8% of adults between 25-34 and 3% of adults between 35-44 also suffer from it.

Contrary to what many people believe, acne doesn’t go away on its own. Prevention is always better than cure, and targeting breakouts with the right skincare routine is critical.

For over 18 years, Dr Des Fernandes, Environ Founder and Scientific Director, has been researching and developing an innovative skincare solution that would help target the root causes of acne breakouts.

“For optimal results, combine the Focus Care™ Clarity+ Range with a course of Environ Professional Peels,” says Dr Fernandes. It is this dynamic and powerful combination that will result in a much more clear and healthy-looking complexion in a shorter timeframe.

In this short video Environ showcases its Professional Peel Protocol designed specifically for breakout-prone skin. Like the Clarity+ Range, this treatment is also made up of a 3-phase system:

Phase 1: CLEAN – help to combat the appearance of congestion and excess oil.

Phase 2: CLEAN – help to reduce the appearance of confidence-crushing breakouts.

Phase 3: CONTROL – help to counteract the progression of conspicuous spots.

Ask your Skin Care Professional about how you can #ConquerWithClarity+ so that you can #FocusOnFlawless skin that looks clear and healthy.

Find out more about the new Focus Care™ Clarity+ Range


Want to learn more about conquering breakouts? click on the links below:

Understanding Acne as a skin condition (Acne as a skin condition FAQ)

Targeting acne breakouts with the Clarity+ Range is as easy as 1,2,3

Dr. Des Fernandes shared some insight into the development of the new Focus Care Clarity Range

What are the best ingredients to help target and combat the appearance of acne breakouts

Help to minimize the appearance of confidence-crushing acne scars with a course of Collagen Induction Therapy

For clear and healthy looking skin combine the Focus Care ™ Clarity+ Range with a course of Environ Professional Peels.




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