Don’t let damaged skin get the best of you
Dont let damaged skin get the best of you - featured | Environ Skin Care

Don’t let damaged skin get the best of you


Dont let damaged skin get the best of you - featured | Environ Skin Care


Beautiful, healthy-looking skin is generally smooth, firm and free from any blemishes. Most of us however will at some point or another experience dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles, cracked heels, stretch marks, scarring or sun damaged skin. So how do you live your best life without it reflecting on your skin? The answer is simple. You look after it. And what better way to start than by taking on our 30 Days of Living Beautifully Challenge. Here we give you day-to-day ways to help live your life beautifully. Start the challenge now.

For a quick look at ways on how to care for damaged skin, keep reading.

Drink lots of water

Staying hydrated is important for maintaining clear and healthy-looking skin. Water helps your body rid itself of toxins. That’s why it’s important to drink at least 8 glasses a day. Read more about the wonders of H20 and find out how it can help your skin look radiant. 

Eat a well-balanced diet

Green veggies are packed with antioxidants. These helps fight free radicals and assist in repairing damaged skin. Fill up veggies like Kale, Beans, Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts. To find out more about foods with anti-ageing skincare properties, click here


Building up a sweat is vital for healthy skin. It helps clear pores and gives you a glowing complexion. It also helps relieve stress which could cause breakouts and inflammation. Hit the gym, join a dance class or do a bit of yoga in the park. Your body will benefit and so will your skin. Read more about the best workouts for your skin and work your way to glowing skin.

Maintain a good overall skin care routine

Looking after your skin is essential if you want it to appear healthier, smoother, softer and more beautiful.

Environ’s leading-edge vitamin A skin care system helps to replenish the key nutrients (like vitamins, antioxidants and peptides) your skin needs to functionally optimally and look healthy.  Using face care products from the Youth EssentiA® or Skin EssentiA® Ranges twice daily will help you to step-up your skin care routine and bring your skin back to beautiful.

It’s also really important that you look after your body skin as well. By combining Environ’s Derma-Lac Lotion together with Environ’s A, C & E Oil, your skin will be incredibly smooth, nourished and glow with a healthy radiance. Derma-Lac Lotion helps to smooth and hydrate skin while the A, C and E Oil assists in conditioning the skin, minimises the appearance of fine lines, blemishes and an uneven skin tone. Get yours today.

Live your life without your skin showing it. Find out more HERE


Beautiful, healthy-looking skin is generally smooth, firm and free from any blemishes. Most of us however will at some point or another experience dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles, cracked heels, stretch marks, scarring or sun damaged skin.




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