Blemish Prone

Blemish-prone skin is a condition experienced by many people and can range from being mild to painfully severe. Blemishes are usually the result of either oily or combination skin and occur when an oil or sebum gland becomes blocked with excess oil and dead skin cells. Blemish-prone skin can often become inflamed and uncomfortable, hindering a clear and beautiful complexion.

Within this category, you will learn more about blemish-prone skin, how and why it’s caused, as well as what you can do to achieve a clear, radiant and flawless skin.

October 1, 2015
Environ Skin Care | Skincare tips for 20 year olds

Skincare tips for 20 year olds

Don’t look back on your 20s with regret. Retain your skin’s youth with this list of skin care tips.



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