Environ Productimages Suncareradshield

RAD Shield®
Mineral Sunscreen

RAD SHIELD® is a light-weight transparent mineral sunscreen containing powerful physical reflectors; zinc and titanium, combined with antioxidants and other ingredients to provide broad-spectrum UV protection, infrared and free radical defence. Suitable for all skin types and ages, including babies older than 6 months.

* Not available in USA, Canada and Australia.

  • Provides Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15.
  • Physical sunscreens zinc and titanium offers broad protection against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Supplies skin with essential antioxidants to fight free radical damage from harmful environmental influences.
  • The light-weight, transparent non-oily texture is easily applied all over the face and body for a smooth, moisturised after-feel.
  • Suitable for use under make-up.
  1. First apply your recommended Environ vitamin A moisturiser.
  2. Then apply RAD SHIELD® Mineral Sunscreen in an even layer to face, neck, décolleté and any other areas exposed to the sun.
  3. Reapply frequently, every 90 minutes to 2 hours to achieve optimal protection.



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