Environ Focus Care Radiance+ Vita-Botanical Mela-Fade Serum A & B


Mela-Fade Serum System

Environ’s innovative Serum System contains a concentrated blend of vitamins and botanicals to assist in targeting and in improving the appearance of discolouration, leaving the skin looking more evenly toned and healthier.

Intelligent ingredient combinations have been selected that work together to fade and reduce the appearance of pigmentation, uneven skin tone and dark spots.

  1. Pre-cleanse, cleanse and tone with your preferred Environ products.
  2. After applying Mela-Prep Lotion, mix and apply equal amounts of Serums A and B to the darkened areas of skin before moisturising with your recommended Environ vitamin A moisturiser and applying a sunscreen. Use morning and evening.
*For advanced Environ users: Optimal results can be achieved by including the use of the DF Mobile Skincare Device, Cosmetic Focus-CIT®, Cosmetic Roll-CIT® or Cosmetic Gold Roll-CIT® into your daily skincare routine in the evening.



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