Environ's Body EssentiA Aplha Hydroxy Derma-Lac Lotion

Alpha Hydroxy Derma-Lac® Lotion

Alpha Hydroxy Derma-Lac® Lotion is a lightly fragranced lotion that helps to soften the texture of rough areas on your skin, such as elbows and heels, whilst also helping to boost the effects of skins moisture levels. It helps re-energise dull, tired-looking skin, and assists in gently exfoliating the skin and in improving the appearance of skin tone and texture, leaving it looking healthy and beautiful.

  • Softens the texture of rough, calloused skin.
  • Re-energises the appearance of dull skin so that it looks visibly improved and more radiant.
  • Speeds up the appearance of skin renewal, leaving it looking smooth and refreshed.
  1. Apply to your entire body, morning and evening, to help soften and create the appearance of smoother skin.
  2. For the best overall body care, always use with your recommended Environ vitamin A body products.
  3. Combat the feeling of very dry skin and dry climatic conditions by using on the face as an occasional hydrating boost.



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