Frequently Asked Questions; Navigating Skincare during Pregnancy

Environ always recommends consulting with a Medical Professional and Skincare Professional for accurate personalised advice and recommendations on products and treatments during pregnancy.

Are you expecting and finding yourself with a whole new set of questions about your skincare routine?

During the extraordinary process of creating and nurturing a new life, a women's body and skin may experience various effects of many endocrinological, immunological, metabolic, and vascular changes. Hormones play a particularly significant role in these transformations which are known to impact the skin's appearance and health. Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey, but it can also bring about some concerns when it comes to taking care of your skin. From the safety of certain ingredients to the best products to use during this period of change, navigating the world of pregnancy and skincare can feel overwhelming. To help you maintain a healthy-looking and radiant glow, here are some answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions on the topic.

What is the impact of hormones on skin during pregnancy? +
Is vitamin A safe to use during pregnancy? +
How to reduce the appearance of oiliness and breakouts during pregnancy? +
How to prevent or improve the appearance of stretchmarks and scars during pregnancy? +
How to improve the signs of skin discolouration, pigmentation and melasma? +
How to improve the signs of sensitivity and redness during pregnancy? +
Tips for preventing dryness and dehydration during pregnancy +
Which Environ Professional Treatments are safe to have during pregnancy? +
Why it's important to seek the expert guidance of a Skincare Professional during pregnancy? +






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