A bottle of Environ Body Profile with a sparkly background

Body Profile

This body sculpting gel has been scientifically developed to assist in firming and conditioning skin, as well as in improving the appearance of uneven skin texture such on the hips, thighs, buttocks, tummy and arms. Skin is left looking and feeling smoother and more radiantly resilient.

  • Assists in firming your skin texture, leaving it looking more supple and youthful.
  • Helps to refine the appearance of your skin tone.
  • Assists in gently moisturising your skin, giving it a softer, silky appearance.
  • To optimise efficacy, use Body Profile in conjunction with Environ’s Electro-Sonic DF Mobile Skin Care which will assist to deliver more essential nutrients to where the skin needs them most.
  1. Increase circulation by first using a body loofa or scrub.
  2. Apply liberally to focus areas after a shower or bath, morning and evening.
  3. For the best overall body care, always use with your recommended Environ vitamin A body products.
  4. Can be used in conjunction with Environ Cosmetic Roll-CIT®/Cosmetic Body Roll-CIT®.
  5. For added effect, use with either Derma-Lac Lotion, Vitamin A, C & E Oil, Vitamin A, C & E Enhanced Oil, or Vitamin A, C & E Body Cream.






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