EnvironCares Social Responsibility Programme

In South Africa, millions of children are food vulnerable and rely on schools to provide one daily nutritious meal. ‘Hidden hunger’ is a term used to describe human deficiencies of key micronutrients. It’s a real, invisible crisis and the impact starts early with children consuming energy-dense, but nutrient-poor diets. This impacts both physical and cognitive development.

Environ are powerful advocates of skin health and nutrition and has teamed up with Bongi Msomi to launch the EnvironCares Feeding Programme for 2023/24. They aim to raise awareness around the impact of nutrient deficiencies in early childhood development.

About the EnvironCares Feeding Programme

Environ is fully funding the distribution of 210,000 nutritious school breakfast meals through 32 GROW Early Childhood Development (ECD) Partner Centres situated in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban. 1500 children will receive a fortified nutrient-rich porridge meal, packed with essential vitamins and minerals, five days a week.

Environ’s appointment of Bongi Msomi as the official ambassador for the EnvironCares Feeding Programme aims to leverage her inspiring influence and passion for childhood development to strengthen and bring awareness to the cause.

The vision of Val Carstens, Environ Chairman and Director

The EnvironCares Feeding Programme was launched in 2020 during the covid pandemic thanks to the foresight and passion of Val Carstens to make a real, positive impact in children's lives.

Bongiwe Msomi: “Life is only meaningful when knowledge is passed on to help others grow”
Help us feed our beautiful future

To contribute to the EnvironCares Feeding programme, visit DONATE

About Grow Early Childhood Development

GROW Early Childhood Development is a non-profit social enterprise that uses the principles of franchising to establish excellent, high-quality Early Childhood Development Centres in developing communities that are also financially sustainable businesses.

GROW is a social enterprise setting a new standard for Early Learning in developing countries that unlocks human potential.

Visit GROW for more information.







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